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Land, Labor and Logistics Makes Cisco Ideal for New Development

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

It’s no secret that Texas has been the national leader in economic growth in the past fifteen years. With the nation’s second largest economy and second largest population, Texas has the two critical factors needed for continued growth.

However, as people and companies continually flock to the Lone Star State, larger metropolitan areas that have been the beneficiaries of this growth, now struggle to maintain both a cost of business and quality of life.

Companies seeking to maintain their plans for growth without sacrificing their advantage for being in Texas, now face rising land and building costs in addition to congested logistics. As a result, cities in outlying areas of these growth centers now find themselves in an ideal setting to capitalize on these growth trends, but that depends on the location.

Being located directly on Interstate-20, Cisco, Texas now finds itself in an ideal position to offer land, labor and logistics that businesses need.


For any development, be it residential, commercial or industrial, it all starts with land. As this precious resource is now in short supply in these growth areas, the ideal solution is “right down the road” in Cisco, Texas.

Just 100 miles west of Ft. Worth, Cisco is just out of reach for high prices and congestion, but just in reach of abundant land at affordable prices. Unlike major metro areas that have limited land, areas such as Cisco are not “land locked” by an overabundance of cities located adjacent to one another.

With this case in mind, companies find themselves realizing an ability to secure land for their current growth needs at a fraction of the cost of those trying to do the same thing in overcrowded metros. What’s more is the ability to secure enough land for future growth needs at a marginal increase in cost, thereby giving companies the assurance to expand when the time is right.


Available land means little if it isn’t enriched with available labor. At first glance Cisco appears appears insufficient to provide ample human resource to any industry with only 3,800 in population. However, looking beyond city limits into the county, the population increases to approximately 20,000.

Looking further out in the contiguous counties increases that available labor pool to more than 76,000 people. This labor force is comparable to the likes of Abilene, Round Rock, Midland/Odessa, Tyler and Wichita Falls.

This labor pool represents a wide range of industrial businesses including oil/gas, aviation/aerospace, metal fabrication, CNC machine and more. Supported directly by Cisco College, this area has customized training available at the local level at little to no cost to regional employers.


With land and labor in ample supply, being connected to the State’s major markets is a must. As Interstate-20 provides direct connectivity to the DFW metro, it also means connectivity to practically every other major market as well.

I-20 leads to other major highways including I-35 and I-45. This means the markets of Austin, San Antonio and Houston are also within reach. With this trend continuing to press onward, companies seeking additional growth are forced to think “outside the box” and find themselves just “outside the metro” in the process.

Facilitating Growth

The need for land, labor and logistics finds its balance in cities just like Cisco, Texas and will likely be part of the continuing trend to find affordable means of growth. Playing central role in these future plans is the Cisco Development Corporation, the City’s public economic development organization.

The purpose of the Cisco Development Corporation is to promote the growth, development and diversification of the economy in and around Cisco, Texas, by attracting new industries, retaining and expanding existing industries, and supporting their workforce needs.

Find more information online about Cisco, Texas contact us.


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